08 Aug Human Right
Principle 1: Support and respect the protection of internationally proclaimed human rights.
Principle 2: Ensure that they are not complicit in human rights abuses
BPL is committed to conducting business in an ethical and responsible manner. We are not only committed to respecting and protecting human rights within our own operations, but also through the work of our clients. We condemn human right violations and will not be complicit in human rights abuses of any kind by knowingly aiding or supporting any actions that perpetuate abuse.
We state our stand clearly in all policy documents of our being fair and in full support of practices that engender fairness to all irrespective of race, sex, ethnicity, creed or religious association.
We also take steps to ensure that the operations of our customers do not violate any human rights. As a standing policy, BPL does not do business with companies that are accused of human rights violations.
As evidence of our alignment with Human Right principles, there has been no legal cases or suits, or fines levied against BPL Nigeria Limited from its inception over eight (8) years ago.
Implementation of Human Rights Principles
While we may be significantly exposed to human rights risks in our own operation, especially as it relates with casual labour, we do address human rights issues in various ways especially through documented policies enshrining these statements which are in resonance with extant labour laws.