

Principle 4: Eliminate all forms of forced and compulsory labour.

Principle 5: Uphold the effective abolition of child labour.

Principle 6: Eliminate discrimination in respect of employment and occupation

We recognize that our performance and success is hinged on enhancing the morale of quality staff and engaging with management practices committed to investing in human resource development. Our Remuneration and Benefits package are such that attract and retain the quality necessary to sustain our processes. The engagement of staff and labour are as in perfect agreement with the Labour Law of the Federal Republic of Nigeria which resonates unequivocally with the International Labour Organization (ILO) charter.

BPL strongly leverages its most valuable assets ─ our staff towards achieving its Strategic Vision. This manifests through ensuring that we hire the best, implement all required training to ensure staff retention. Our staff attrition rate over the pastv8 years has been significantly fair.

Experience has shown that employees are more productive if they are treated with respect, adequately trained and are fairly remunerated for their work. As a result, we make it a priority to create a comfortable working environment for all our employees.

We use a pay scale to determine salaries/wages and thus provide equal pay for our employees. We also regularly conduct market compensation reviews to ensure that our salary structure is competitive in the market place.

BPL believes that for its employees to be productive, they must be free of worries associated with health concerns either for themselves or their families. To this, we have placed all our staffs onboard a health management company entrusted with the responsibility of ensuring prompt medical support and services as required by them.